Care Home Email Addresses

Accurate and Verified List of 13,761 Nuring Care Homes Email Addresses

Identify and reach care homes and nursing homes with our highly targeted Care Homes Email Addresses. Our Nursing Homes Database comes with complete contact information that helps you to maximize your multi-channel marketing results. You can buy our pre-packaged nursing home email lists or the data can be customized based on the requirements.


Email Contacts

  • Identify and connect with ideal buyers
  • 180 different job functions to target
  • Get accurate email, phone & social links
  • Flexible data subscription plans
  • Global data researchers from 10+ countries
45% more opportunities created
37 million decision-makers in 70 countries
620 industries database

Accurate & Complete Data

Detailed Industry & Other criteria

Pre-Delivery Testing

Cleansed Every 30 Days

Comprehensive Database Sourcing

Dedicated Account Manager

Reach Healthcare Decision-Makers within the Industry Channels List Counts
Accountable Care Organization Email List 3,049
Healthcare Payer Emal Marketing Lists 5,554
Community Based Care Organizations Database 701
Home Care - Home Health Agencies Email Lists 13,761
Non-federal and Acute-care Hospital Mailing List 6,983
Managed Care Organizations Email Database 1,400
Skilled Nursing Facility - Nursing Home Email Lists 53,657
Medical Billing Companies Email Addresses 4,120

Our Care Homes Email Lists is competitive enough to generate maximum results, quality and segmentation of the list is our top priority. InfoGlobalData Nursing Homes Email Lists has been built with immense time and resources by data researchers from more than 10 countries collecting data from authentic sources, verifying the data, and constantly updating the same to maintain the data accuracy.

We understand that inaccurate data can do a lot of damage to campaigns, therefore, with our database of care homes we assure you that you pass regular verification checks so that they are free of errors. Our databases also have the potential to drive your healthcare marketing campaign and help you obtain qualified leads that will ultimately generate a higher marketing ROI.

Name Role Email Phone
Bob Snyder Account Manager [email protected] +1 (206) 629 9405

- Primary contact


Business Mailing Database

Get high-scoring accounts based on firmographic, behavioral, intent and technographic data.

Customer Success Stories

Need custom list based on your specifications with No Resale Guarantee?

Talk to our Data Specialist Mike Floyd +1 (206) 629 6016