Primary Care Physicians Email List

100% Opt-in Primary Care Physicians List

Primary care email lists serve as a gateway to accurate contact information for healthcare companies and organizations seeking to connect with primary care providers. These lists provide a comprehensive set of information for individuals that come under primary care, such as primary care physicians, nurses, hospital decision-makers, administrators, healthcare organizations, and more. The set of information may vary and can be different from a pre-build list of primary care, depending on your customization. You can customize this list to include any information that your campaign needs for reference name, email address, mail address, phone number, social media handles, medical institution, hospital affiliation, years of experience, geographic locations, sub-specialties, job titles, and more.


Email Contacts

  • #1 Verified Directory of Primary Care Physician
  • Privacy Compliant: CAN-SPAM & GDPR
  • 100% Phone-Verified Data
  • 1-to-1 Campaign Assistance: Phone, Email
  • Custom Build List Delivery: 24-72 Hours

Build Primary Care Physician Mailing Lists Based On Target Criteria

Hospital Firm Size

Job Titles/Functions

Area of Specialization


Grade Level

Physical Location

2500+ Satisfied Customers

Primary Care Physicians Database with Verified Contact Information

  • Database of 81K+ primary care professional in USA with verified contacts
  • Customize your primary care mailing lists based on: healthcare specialty, practice type, years-in-business, license number and much more
  • ​​Primary care email list comply with GDPR, CCPA and CAN-SPAM Act
  • ​Get contact information of primary care physicians, cardiologists, pediatricians, dermatologists, chiropractors, etc.
healthcare email list

100% Verified Primary Care Physicians Mailing List

Primary care mailing lists are often accessible through third-party data providers, but however, it is important to note that using a primary care email address list for marketing purposes should be done ethically and in compliance with privacy laws and regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act and the GDPR. Moreover, email marketing campaigns should be well-crafted and targeted to ensure that they resonate with the intended audience and provide value to potential customers. For example, pharmaceutical companies may use these email lists to promote new drugs or medical devices to primary care providers who can prescribe or recommend them to their patients. Similarly, medical equipment suppliers and distributors may use these email lists to promote their products to primary care providers who are in need of new equipment for their practice.

Primary Care Email Marketing Database

Buy Accurate Primary Care Email Database from InfoGlobalData. Our database provides verified contact information for primary care physicians worldwide. Reach your target audience and increase your ROI with our up-to-date list. Try our free primary care physician sample list.

Phone Verified Primary Care Physicians Database

A Primary care email database provides access to different specialties and sub-specialty that comes under primary care, such a primary care physicians that may include family physicians, pediatricians, internists, general practitioners, etc., primary care nurses, primary care clinics, Primary Care Treatment centers, and others. You can effectively target all of these different professionals in different healthcare settings with a targeted email list of primary care. You just simply need to segment your list based on hospital/clinic, job title, sub-specialty, and other specific details that can point your eye to the perfect niche. In addition, there are numerous marketing companies or data brokers that can help you get the best out of your list. These brokers gather information from various sources, including online registrations, medical directories, American Medical Association, medical publishers association, state medical registers, healthcare directories, healthcare listings, and hospital records, and typically categorize them based on your said criteria to ensure that your list is targeted and relevant.

CASS-Certified Primary Care Email Lists Benefits

Primary care email lists are particularly useful for streamlining your marketing efforts, boosting engagement, and driving better results. With access to accurate and up-to-date contact information, you can be confident in your ability to connect with primary care providers and build lasting relationships that benefit your business and the healthcare industry as a whole. You might be wondering, “what are the benefits of a primary care email list?” To help you with that, here’s a list of the main selling points of a primary care database:

  • Up-to-date Information: A primary care contact database is regularly updated to ensure that the contact information is accurate and up-to-date. This means that businesses can be confident that they are reaching the right healthcare providers and that their marketing messages are being delivered to the intended recipients.
  • High deliverability: Primary care databases typically have high deliverability rates because of rigorous verification and trusted data sources, meaning that the marketing messages are more likely to be delivered to the intended recipients.
  • Multiple communication channels: An email list of primary care may include contact information for healthcare providers beyond just email addresses, such as social media handles, phone numbers, or mailing addresses. This provides businesses with the ability to communicate with their target audience through multiple channels, including direct mail marketing, social media marketing, telemarketing, etc.
  • Compliance with regulations: Using a primary care contact list can help businesses comply with regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which requires the protection of patients' health information. Because the contact information in a primary care database is obtained from public sources, it is considered to be publicly available information and does not fall under the purview of HIPAA.

Primary Care Physicians Email List - Data Insights

Select the data points for email list customization as per your email campaign target needs.

  • Full Name
  • Personal Email ids
  • Phone Number
  • Job Title
  • Business Type
  • Social Media Handles
  • Geographical Location
  • Location Size
  • Sales Volume
  • Year Started
  • Website URL
  • Technographic Data

Buy Primary Care Email Lists - 100% Privacy Compliant

Buy our CASS-certified, responsive primary care physicians contact database at an affordable price and build a contact list by medical professionals. Try our free sample list now!